Sunday 15 January 2017

New Year's Resolutions?

New Year’s Resolutions?
Have you made some New Year's Resolutions in your class???  
Here is an activity you can do after Christmas holidays.

 Ask your pupils to complete each of these sentences by writing their own phrase in the gaps, 
thinking about all these things
 they would like to change in 2017.
Download the resolutions sheet here.

Look what some of my pupils wrote:

Or instead ask pupils to choose one word to sum up 

how they would like to feel mostly in 2017

 and to create a poster.

These two activities are simple and 

so can be used in a variety of classrooms

 with a variety of ages and abilities!

 In the meantime, while I was looking around 

for inspirational stuff, I found these 

New Year's resolutions for teachers 

posted by the Pensive Sloth,

Wish I could claim these as mine, 

but they are not…

 here are some of my favourites…

 And my most favourite…may be because it is snowing in Greece and not here in London...

What can I say? No comments...

Thanks to my friend Maria who sent me this picture.👍

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