Wednesday 5 April 2017

Greek Independence Day 1821 script

25th March 1821

Greek Independence Day.

“Dance of Zalogo” 


This is a script I used last week 
for one of my classes assembly. 
It's a short script because
 the time I had was limited.
You can use it for young classes 
especially when you have more girls than boys.
 So I gave 2 lines to each pupil to learn.
 The boys were the narrators
 and the girls were the "Souliotisses".

This story show to pupils 
how important is freedom.

These Greek women from Souli 
decided to jump down the Zalogo mountains 
from a steep cliff 
to avoid capture and enslavement, 
while signing 
 dancing the Greek folk song 
"Dance of Zalogo".

 After they sang all together the song,
  the girls danced the 
"Dance of Zalogo".
At the end each girl step on a chair 
and jump down it one after the other, 
after making their cross. 

It was really engaging for pupils 
to learn about this part of 
the Greek History 
and they did a lot of questions about it.

When working with the script 
I asked them 
how they feel about these women? 
 I was really impressed 
when I took the answer 
" We will probably do the same as we love to be free people!"
Download the script here

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