Monday, 6 March 2017

Carnival masks Αποκριάτικες μάσκες

Apokries -Αποκριές

Making masks for the Carnival.

In my class the previous week we did the following activity.
It is a mask to wear it for the Carnival fair.

What you will need:
One paper white plate, elastic ribbon, markers, scissors, 
self-adhesive gems/diamonds, feathers, tissue paper, 
stapler or clear gift wrap tape.

We used a white paper plate
and we cut it in half with a scissor.
Then I put it over the child face 
and I draw the eyes holes. 
I cut the holes for the eyes.
After this, they made one hole in each corner for the ribbon. They measured the ribbon with their head 
and they made a knot at the masks’ holes.
Lastly every child drew their mask and added their gems, feathers and tissue paper.

The result was excited pupils
and lots of laughs when they wore their own mask.

Of course, after this crafting activity,
carnival music and «γαϊτανάκι»
was essential for creating the «Αποκριές» feeling!

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