Wednesday 25 January 2017

How can you help your pupils spell their name correct?

Do your pupils spell
 their name
 correct in Greek?

Using this technique to my classes
always helped all my pupils
to spell their name correct!

use this money box instead of  your register to help your students to learn spelling their name.

I remembered when I had my first lesson in a year 3 class 
and I was in shock when I realised that they were pupils in my class that they didn't spell their name correct. 
But... this was my 1st year. 
After I realised that this phenomenon is so common.

 From that moment, I understood how important it was to find a way - activity to be sure that all my pupils can spell their name.

What I did, it was to find a metallic money box that tucked away in a cupboard and use it as my register every day. 
Any box can do the job, just let a hole on top.

I put this box with some small papers and a pencil 
next to my class door
 and when a pupil get inside
 he must write down his/her name
 and put it inside the hole of the money box.

In this way, they practise writing their name 
every day 
in an exciting way. 

The results? 

After 5-7 times, all the children spelled correctly their name!

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